

VIVID SYDNEY 2012 - light, music & ideas

Durant quinze dies, Sydney omple de llums els seus foscos carrers. VIVID Sydney engloba més de 50 instal.lacions. Us deixo algunes instantànies...

Museum of Contemporary Art and Harbour Bridge


OCEAN TO OUTBACK: Australian Landscape Painting 1850–1950

From the white heat of our beaches to the red heart of central Australia, Ocean to Outback: Australian landscape painting 1850–1950 conveys the great beauty and diversity of the Australian continent. [...]

Encompassing colonial through to modernist works, the exhibition spans the great century of Australian landscape art. From 1850 to 1950 landscape was the most painted and celebrated theme in Australian art. As well as images which convey the geographical extremes of the continent, Ocean to Outback includes works that reflect significant events that transformed the social fabric of Australia – droughts and bushfires, the gold rushes, the Depression, and times of war. [...]

Ocean to Outback: Australian landscape painting 1850–1950 includes images of the furthest points of distance and geography across Australia. Created by some of our greatest landscape artists, these paintings reveal the compelling beauty, extreme conditions and qualities of the Australian environment that have made landscape painting a vital force in Australian culture.

Beatrice Gralton
Associate Curator, Australian Painting and Sculpture

Russell  Drysdale Emus in a landscape 1950